Hydroponic Farming Profit Calculator

See if the Greenery™ S is the right platform for your hydroponic farming goals! Our business tool gives you a first look at your hydroponic farming profit, capturing the four most important inputs: crop type, sales price, electricity costs, and labor wages. Once you’ve established the basics, download the full tool to build a detailed business plan.

A Farmer Stands by a Vertical Plant Wall | Hydroponic Farming Profit

Step One

Pick your crop type

Icon_Greenery Web Business Tool_Veggies Spring Mix
Icon_Greenery Web Business Tool_Veggies Pac Choi
Icon_Greenery Web Business Tool_Veggies Arugula
Icon_Greenery Web Business Tool_Veggies Parsley
Icon_Greenery Web Business Tool_Veggies Radish
Icon_Greenery Web Business Tool_Veggies Cilantro
Icon_Greenery Web Business Tool_Veggies Basil
These are just eight of the hundreds of varieties of crops you can cultivate in the Greenery. Lettuces, leafy greens, herbs, root vegetables, and flowers grow best - check out our crop guide for a full list.