Recreating Mother Nature in 320 sq. ft.

The Greenery S gives you complete control of the elements with five specialized systems that make it possible to grow food 365 days a year.


Grow 2.5 acres of food in 320 sq. ft.

The Greenery S farm uses a unique container design and vertical farming techniques to pack extreme commercial food production into a small, versatile space. Inside, crops experience perfect growing conditions 365 days a year, making them especially fresh, fragrant, and flavorful upon harvest.



Unlock your growing potential with farmhand®

The Greenery S and farmhand have been designed together to ensure the highest level of communication between hardware and software. The Greenery S has several sensors throughout the growing area, water, and nutrient tanks, and elsewhere that are constantly relaying information to farmhand® via an IoT system. In this way, farmers use farmhand® to maximize farm performance, implement expert guidance, and get complete transparency into all farm operations.

Learn more about farmhand® >



Get all the details

Explore every innovative function of the Freight Farms Greenery S with our comprehensive product booklet. See how this 320 sq. ft. box can grow at a commercial scale with a unique combination of hydroponics, vertical farming, and controlled environment technology.


Move Farms, Not Food

By bringing the food source closer to its final destination, communities can access local fresh food anytime, anywhere. The Greenery S is built to travel, meaning it can reach even the most remote corners of the world.



Growing What Matters, Where it Matters


We take our global mindset and focus on creating local impact. Our farmers and community partners use indoor farming technology to transform their communities.


Local Small Businesses

Find independence, flexibility, and a job with purpose.

Supermarkets & Grocers

Cut food miles to zero and provide fresh food in any season.

Community Centers

Bring people together around the joys of growing and sharing healthy foods.

Schools & Universities

Inspire the next generation of farmers with exciting hands-on learning.


Making a Difference, One Farm at a Time

We aim to improve on the traditional food system in a variety of impactful ways. By reducing the distance food travels, we ensure the final product is more nutritious and less likely to end up in a landfill.

We also decrease the amount of water used by 99%, which means less water waste and pollution. Plus our farms protect the plants inside them, so there’s never need for pesticides or other chemicals.


Always looking ahead

The Greenery S is redefining what it means to be a “farmer”, making it possible for the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs to enter the food industry and make positive changes.

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